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How to drive a manual transmission car at 10w40.com(3)

Now repeat the process from first, to second, to third gear. If you can master this, fourth and fifth are just the same. Drive around in third gear for a bit. Notice that letting off and punching the gas pedal doesn't have the same effect as it did in first gear. But, eventually when you let off the gas, the engine will start going so slowly that it wants to stall - around 15 MPH on a lot of cars. Give it some more gas so it doesn't stall. Notice that it doesn't have the same kind of acceleration from 15 to 25 as 2nd gear did. I won't get into it too much here, but what we're talking about is the power-band for the engine - each engine has a "sweet spot" where it accelerates best. This is why we have multiple gears. We're always trying to run the engine in the sweet spot, and depending on what speed we are going, we have to use different gears to stay within it.

Let your friend (you don't think they're really going to let you borrow their car to learn without coming along do you?) drive the car to the middle of the parking lot, and have them shut it off in first with the parking brake on. Trade places and climb into the driver's seat.


Burning rubber. This is simply starting in first gear like normal, except that you take the RPM's much higher and keep them constant as you let out the clutch more slowly than normal. When you do this you are multiplying the power of the engine through the clutch, giving you more power to spin the wheels - BUT - you are also burning up clutch. Even with the multiplying effect, a chipmunk engine isn't going to spin the tires much, but you can usually get at least a good chirp out of them. The key is to get the the tires to start spinning just a bit at first, then keep giving it more power as you let out the clutch and they will keep spinning until you have the clutch all the way released and bit more.

Changing gears

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