国际货币基金组织的职责是监督国际货币和金融体系,并监督其成员国的经济和金融政策。因此,IMF通常会分析每个成员国为实现有序经济增长而采取的经济和金融政策的适宜性,并评估这些政策对其他国家和全球经济的影响。普林斯顿大学经济学博士Gita Gopinath女士于2018年10月1日被任命为IMF首席经济学家。毫无疑问,她将在分析一个成员国的财政健康状况方面发挥着重要作用。
The fund released Article IV consultation report on India in Washington on Monday.
Krishan Kumar Totlani: “90% of countries are facing the slowdown”. Okay, but their leaders didn't say the equivalent of “Modi hai toh mumkin hai” (With Modi in place, everything is possible).
India’s economic growth slumped to a six-year low of 4.5% in July-September quarter and many experts now expect full FY20 growth at below 5%.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) consists of 189 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate sustainable economic growth, reduce poverty around the world, etc. Ms. Gita Gopinath, a PhD in Economics from Princeton University, was appointed as Chief Economist of IMF on 1 October 2018. The IMF is mandated to oversee the international monetary and financial system and monitor the economic and financial policies of its member countries. Therefore, the IMF typically analyses the appropriateness of each member country's economic and financial policies for achieving orderly economic growth, and assesses the consequences of these policies for other countries and for theglobal economy.
IMF表示,印度2019年至2020年的经济增长率预计为6.1%,并补充说,下行风险仍在加大。国际货币基金组织首席经济学家Gita Gopinath上周表示,在即将到来的1月份评估中,印度的增长预测可能会“大幅”下调。
The report presented two scenarios with the second one pushing for significant reforms around three pillars to boost growth-—Firstly, ongoing clean-up of bank balance sheets should be complemented by a decisive strengthening of PSB governance and regulation and oversight of NBFCs, it said. Secondly, a medium-term fiscal consolidation path should be anchored by the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Review Committee’s recommendation to reduce general go nment debt toward 60% of GDP and thirdly, unveil labour, land and productivity reforms. The other scenario pointed ANIRBAN BORA that the country could grow by 7.3% in medium term riding on the back of reforms already taken such as Goods and Services Tax. It backed continuation of monetary easing, but cautioned against fiscal stimulus to boost growth.
48岁的Gita Gopinath女士是普林斯顿大学的经济学博士,是哈佛大学国际研究和经济学的John Zwaanstra教授。不管怎样,哈佛大学会不会和“超级白痴”联系在一起?
Yeshwant Pande
Indian Citizen
India's rapid economic expansion in recent years has lifted millions of people out of poverty. However, in the first half of 2019, a combination of factors led to subdued economic growth in India.
NEW DELHI: India is in the midst of a significant economic slowdown, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said, asking for urgent steps to reverse slowdown while continuing with credible fiscal consolidation.
JoKeR: No way. Ms. Nirmala Sitaraman was always a “bench warmer”. That was her function as Defence minister. Because they don't see eye to eye on a whole host of issues, the PM won't consider Dr. Subramanian Swamy, a PhD in Economics from Harvard University as Finance minister.