Distance the observatory telescope can see in lightyears
Number of alumni spread across 61 countries
Name of the cockatoo who lives in the Science Center
3Number of former U.S. presidents who have spoken on campus
Boys and Girls Club
Majors offered
Principia College Public Affairs Conference (PAC)
Oldest student-led conference in the U.S.
35,000+ MilesDistance the Principia solar car has traveled
Five-year graduation rate (compared to a 58% national average at private colleges)
Number of countries represented by the student body
Average percentage of Dance Production pieces choreographed by students each year
Organizations where students serve the community
Grassroots Grocery
Between them, our business faculty have started seven companies and developed 104 new products covering 12 major industries in 35 countries.
Average class size
Get to know Principia College better—from the percentage of students who double major to the number of miles our solar car has logged, from the countries where our students study abroad to the name of our resident cockatoo.
Percentage of the Class of 2017 that played intercollegiate sports
Number of leadership positions on campus
College freshman-to-sophomore retention rate (compared to a 76% national average at private colleges)
Number of native plant species on our bluff prairies alone (not to mention the rest of the campus)
26 CountriesNumber of countries where students have traveled with Principia since 2012
Average number of hymns sung each school year (during weekly hymn sings)
52Number of performing opportunities in 2016, including dance, music, theatre, improv, and more
Percentage of the Class of 2016 engaged in career-based activities within six months of graduating
Most popular majors in recent graduating classes
Business Administration
NCAA Division III teams
Number of pianos at the College, an All-Steinway School
72Number of annual, campus-wide activities and events hosted by Student Life
Number of winning innovation challenge teams funded since 2016
Average annual percentage of graduates with multiple majors for the last five years
Driving time to St. Louis
Mass communication
Number of Annenberg Visiting Scholars since the 2007–2008 school year
Percentage of students and faculty who are students of Christian Science
Educational Studies
Number of 3-D printers built by students in spring 2017
Campus size in acres
13,000+Average number of shakes served annually at the Pub
Average gallons of maple syrup produced each year in the Sugarbush Management class