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The IPO was to be the largest in history, surpassing that of the previous IPO record holder Saudi Aramco ($29.4 billion when first listed last December), and Ant’s first cousin Alibaba ($25 billion on its New York Stock Exchange debut in 2014). Based on Ant Group’s IPO prospectus, the company aims to raise $34.4 billion (for about 11% of its shares). With a total market valuation projected at $313.4 billion, Ant would be ranked the third largest among Chinese listed companies and the 12th largest public company in the world, surpassing JPMorgan Chase, which is currently the most valuable publicly listed bank in the world.




2013年6月,蚂蚁(当时的“阿里金融”)推出了余额宝,改变了这一切。余额宝是一种使用门槛低、便捷灵活而又支付市场利率的货币市场基金。没有申购费或赎回费,而且投资起点低(1元门槛),这是成千上万的普通家庭从未享受过的金融服务,也让他们意识到并非只能容忍银行的低利率。在我与斯坦福大学Greg Buchak和北京大学胡佳胤的共同研究中,我们发现余额宝通过给银行施加竞争压力,迫使它们先后推出了投资门槛低、手续费低、而又支付市场利率的产品,实际上撬动了或助推了全国性的利率市场化改革。


Ant is also an unsung hero in liberalizing interest rates in China. Interest and exchange rates are arguably two of the most important prices in any economy, and before the fintech revolution, China imposed a cap on the interest rate paid to depositors (together with a floor on the lending interest rate), which meant that households were earning a return on their savings below the market interest rate. It is said that the low interest rate is one reason for the high savings rate in China(more savings are needed to achieve a given monetary target), which contributes to a large current account surplus. Although paying market interest rates on household savings would enhance economic efficiency and potentially reduce China’s external imbalances, reforms to achieve that result are difficult to implement, because commercial banks that benefit from low deposit interest rates have scant incentive to change, and interest rate regulation had prevented individual banks from deviating from the status quo.

FormerChiefEconomistof Asian Development Bank


* 作者魏尚进现任复旦大学泛海国际金融学院学术访问教授、哥伦比亚大学终身讲席教授。同时担任美国国民经济研究局(NBER)中国经济研究组创始主任,美国布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)高级研究员。曾任亚洲开发银行(ADB)首位华人首席经济学家、经济研究与区域合作局局长,国际货币基金组织(IMF)贸易与投资处处长,世界银行(WB)顾问等职务。本文编译:潘琦。

ProfessorofFinance and Ecnomics ofColumbiaUniversity

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