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Ant changed all of this in June 2013 when it introduced Yuebao, an easily accessible money-market fund that pays a market interest rate. By allowing for almost instantaneous purchase and redemption from its digital and a low starting investment (1), Yuebao offered millions of ordinary households a financial service never experienced in their economic life, making them realize that they need not tolerate the low interest rates of banks. In my own research (with Greg Buchak of Stanford University and Jiayin Hu of Peking University), we have found that Yuebao triggered a de facto financial liberalization across China, by putting pressure on banks to roll out their own low-entry barrier, low-cost, and market-rate-paying products.


For example, Ant has in-house algorithms to generate informative scores on credit risks for digital-payment users, including but also extending beyond those who shop or sell regularly online. Credit scoring, when permitted by China’s regulatory authorities, can be a standalone new business with potential demands from supply-chain firms, landlords, banks, and prospective employers.



Ant still faces many potential headwinds. First, the United States and India’s recent restrictions on Chinese companies are reminders that its ultimate overseas success may depend on geopolitical dynamics beyond its control. Second, and more importantly, China’s own domestic regulators will have a huge impact on how much Ant can grow and expand into new businesses. Like US and EU regulators with respect to their own BigTech companies, Chinese authorities are concerned about Ant’s near-monopoly position in digital payments, as well as the unforeseen risks to financial stability and data privacy that it poses.


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