Sixty percent of the 4,353 medical staff polled in a recent survey said they have witnessed their colleagues being abused by patients and their relatives on a regular basis.
武汉大学公共卫生学院的教授坛小东说,,越来越多的医生和患者之间的冲突,使得困扰中国医疗系统的问题尖锐化。Sixty percent of the 4,353 medical staff polled in a recent survey said they have witnessed their colleagues being abused by patients and their relatives on a regular basis.
The problems plaguing the country's medical system have intensified with more medical disputes between medical staff and patients occurring, Tan Xiaodong, professor with the School of Public Health, Wuhan University, said.
Only a small minority of those surveyed, about 8 percent, said they have not thought about a change.
调查称,受访者说他们亲眼目睹他们的同事遭到言语和身体的攻击。More than half of those polled said they had thought about leaving their jobs because of such treatment. Most of the respondents were also against their children becoming doctors.
Only a small minority of those surveyed, about 8 percent, said they have not thought about a change.
Respondents said they had witnessed verbal and physical abuse directed at their colleagues, the survey showed.
The survey, conducted by medical porta and newspaper China Youth Daily and released on Monday, polled a range of medical and administrative professionals at hospitals.
More than half of those polled said they had thought about leaving their jobs because of such treatment. Most of the respondents were also against their children becoming doctors.
超过一半被调查的人说他们想过辞职。许多受访者反对他们的孩子当医生。The problems plaguing the country's medical system have intensified with more medical disputes between medical staff and patients occurring, Tan Xiaodong, professor with the School of Public Health, Wuhan University, said.
The survey, conducted by medical portal and newspaper China Youth Daily and released on Monday, polled a range of medical and administrative professionals at hospitals.
Respondents said they had witnessed verbal and physical abuse directed at their colleagues, the survey showed.
Most medics are victims of abuse