Abstract: Objective To understand the import malaria cases and vector species atMenglian port. Methods For the importmalaria cases, the entry febrile patients were tested by dipstickkite and blood -smear checked under microscope; malaria vectorspecies were investigated by human-landing catches in the door andoutdoor at night. Results During 2006—2010,total of 111 cases of import malaria were found, of those 66 casesof plasmodium vivax cases,44 cases of plasimodium falciparum cases.A total of 658 mosquitoes were collected, and belonging to 9species.In which, Anopheles sinensis and An.minimus were accountingfor 47.26% and 1.98%, respecfivily Conclusion Theentry and exit populations were frequent and import malaria caseswere high at Menglian port, local entry-exit inspection andquarantine department should strengthen the monitoring the entrysuspected malaria cases and vector species at port.
Key words: Import cases; Malaria;Vector; Monitor; Port
摘要:目的 了解云南孟连陆路口岸疟疾病例输入情况及其口岸疟疾媒介种类情况。方法对入境发热病人采取快速诊断卡和血片镜检方法进行检测,以确定疟疾输入病例;采取室内外半通宵人工诱捕方法观察疟疾媒介种类。结果2006—2010年在口岸共发现疟疾输入病例111例,其中间日疟66例,恶性疟44例,间日疟和恶性疟混合感染1例。共捕获9种按蚊658只,其中中华按蚊311只,占47.26%,微小按蚊13只,,占1.98%。结论孟连口岸出入境人员频繁,疟疾输入病例较多,当地口岸检疫部门应加强口岸出入境人员疟疾疑似病例及其媒介的监测工作。
云南普洱出入境检验检疫局,云南 普洱 665000
Puer Entry-Exit Inspection and QuarantineBureau, Puer, Yunnan 665000,China
Monitoring on import cases of malaria andvector
species at Menglian port
LUO Zhong-xin, DENG Rong, WANG Xiang
中图分类号:R183.5 文献标识码:B