上一篇:罗纳尔多的身影,从贫民窟到身披巴西队9号球衣,他靠什么做到 下一篇:挪威王储结婚一周年 新王妃已被人民认可(图)

华尔街私募之王警告:新迷失传奇福利服兴经济体复苏难上加难 现在抄底为时过早(4)


Question: Few industries can avoid being impacted. In your opinion, which industry will suffer most? Who will be the winners in a post-pandemic economy?




Here is a copy of the book. It's number one in China and a bestseller in the United States and around the rest of the world. It's great to be with you here today.

The virus and its impact is absolutely unprecedented. In the last hundred years, no one knew anything even vaguely like this will have unemployment levels that will be close to the Great Depression of the 1930s. And it was all done voluntarily.

Question: COVID-19 is putting the global economy into a tailspin. Many countries are heading for very sudden and unprecedented recessions. Do you expect to see major changes in a post-pandemic economy?

On the other hand, it has left the economies of the world in an exceptionally difficult position – very high unemployment, a lot of businesses closed voluntarily or involuntary, businesses have collapsed. How you restart that economy around the world is an issue that we're just starting to face.



First, China was the first to deal with this issue.



Remember, there are more billionaires in China than any other place in the world. And 40 years ago, the average person had an income of only $300 a year, which I guess now is somewhere around 2,000 yuan a year. To have more billionaires than any other country.



Less concerned in China because the numbers have been suppressed in terms of communicable nature and there are very few people who are getting newly infected with the virus. So there's a lot of reason, I think, to be optimistic about China's prospects.


新兴经济体复苏难上加难 现在抄底为时尚早

China is very interesting because it's not really an emerging market economy. It's emerged. Everybody in the world knows, China has emerged.



As you know, in China, there's a huge amount of ordering on the Internet and delivery to your homes. What we're finding around the world is this is putting enormous pressure on shopping malls because retailers are going out of business and they can't pay the rent. So there’s a whole complex of industries that will be hurt.

华尔街私募之王警告:新迷失传奇福利服兴经济体复苏难上加难 现在抄底为时过早

华尔街私募之王警告:新迷失传奇福利服兴经济体复苏难上加难 现在抄底为时过早

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