上一篇:罗纳尔多的身影,从贫民窟到身披巴西队9号球衣,他靠什么做到 下一篇:挪威王储结婚一周年 新王妃已被人民认可(图)

华尔街私募之王警告:新迷失传奇福利服兴经济体复苏难上加难 现在抄底为时过早


Question: Except for China and Iran, COVID-19 has yet to hit most emerging market economies to the extent it has impacted Europe and the US. Will it trigger new emerging market crisis?


Secondly, the nature of the Chinese consumer and Chinese system has people going to work quite quickly. Factory production is up a lot. They just opened traveling so you can see an instant response with airline travel and train travel.

It's very good coming out of an unfortunate economic time because people become overly cautious. They become somewhat timid. And it's at a time like that where you have to look around and say objectively, where are things happening? What should I be doing? What will work in this new world? And you have to think carefully, because in the book I describe only so many things you can do.


There's going to be retraining, jobs are going to shift. They'll still be leisure activities. People will want to go to theme parks. But for a while, they're going to be concerned about whether they'll get the virus from somebody.

华尔街私募之王警告:新迷失传奇福利服兴经济体复苏难上加难 现在抄底为时过早




On the other hand, the healthcare business – there's something developing now called telemedicine so instead of going to see a doctor, you can do the doctor on your iPhone or your Xiaomi phone. And you'll just have your medical appointment there. If you need to go to a hospital or a laboratory for tests, then you'll go, but a lot of treatment will be recommended by doctors.


Question: You just launched your book in China – What It Takes. What do you hope people will learn from reading it? In what ways is it applicable to the current environment?



I think in terms of suffering the most, the oil and gas business is at the moment. The reason for that is, there's roughly on a global basis about a hundred billion barrels a year consumed and the amount that's produced is very similar. What's happened as a result of people staying at home and factories shutting is that the demand for oil basically is going down at least twenty five million barrels. So there's twenty five million of overproduction, which drives profits down and the consumption of oil just isn't enough.

There are some remarkable and amazing Chinese companies that have just been created, some in the last five years, some in the last 10 years, or an old company in China. Could be 20 years old. So people have created these remarkable companies with a vision and drive. And one of the great things about China is that people work at least as hard as any other place in the world, and they do it for a sustained period of time. So if you have a great idea and you figured out how to do it and you have a certain amount of charm where you can attract capital, you can create something wonderful.

Interestingly, some of those economies aren't having much problem with COVID-19 and nobody knows why. And others, for example, like Brazil, are having major issues, but countries like Myanmar or Cambodia, they're hardly having any.


And so I recommend the book to you. It took me a long time to write it. I'm pleased with it and I'm glad it's been so well accepted in China.

华尔街私募之王警告:新迷失传奇福利服兴经济体复苏难上加难 现在抄底为时过早



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