These efforts are quite good in the United States but imperfect – they can't reach almost everyone with the right amount of money. So I think what will happen is that consumers will be slow to respond to going back to work. Once you've had your savings repaired, you're less likely to spend and it'll take a while before all of these economies get to where they used to be.
If countries around the world are growing much, much slower, then it makes it very difficult for an emerging markets country. And if they own money in hard currency that they borrowed, their own currency will get weaker as a result of weak economies. And so it should be a tough time for emerging markets’ economies.
Those countries sometimes borrow in very hard currency. And if their economies get weak because the world goes into recession, it's going to be really hard for them because a lot of those emerging markets countries, not all but a lot, sell raw materials to countries like China, where China needs those natural resources to power their economy.
There will be all kinds of opportunities in the greater healthcare space. There'll be continual innovations in computer science and the way that technology generally will be applied. So it's very exciting areas for expansion and for younger entrepreneurs. And then there'll be some that will be tough.
And this varies around the world much more than with the more mature countries like China, US and Europe, Singapore, Australia. So I think we have to see whether there's a COVID problem across the board for the emerging markets like there has been for the developed world.
问:你刚刚在中国推出了自己的新书《苏世民: 我的经验与教训》。你希望人们从中学到什么?它在当前环境中有哪些适用方式?
In other places like hotels, people haven't been traveling as much and have been much lower in occupancy. People haven't gone to leisure time activities like going to movie theaters because they're scared that the person sitting next to them won't do so well and it could affect them. And so you will have this distance seating, but if you can't see a lot of people in a place, that organization won't make much money. In fact, they might lose money.