Second, strengthen communication with the professional legal community such as lawyers’ associations and academia to form a joint force for protecting intellectual property rights based on law. On May 29th, 2019, the All China Lawyers’ Association Intellectual Property Committee visited the IP Court. They held in-depth discussions with the IP Court’s judges on issues such as the development of the IP Court, improvement of relevant legislation, and optimization of litigation experience. On November 23rd, 2019, Chief Judge Luo Dongchuan was invited to attend the China Intellectual Property Law Practice Seminar and the 2019 Annual Meeting of the All China Lawyers Association Intellectual Property Committee to introduce the status quo of the IP Court, where he also gave a speech focusing on the cultivation of intellectual property legal talents and the development of the professional legal community. The IP Court also invited experts and scholars including member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to give lecture to the staff of the IP Court and discuss legal and technical issues regarding technology-related IP case trials. The IP Court also explores the establishment of a long-term cooperation mechanism with colleges and universities, and provides practical judicial resources to support the colleges and universities in their talent training.
(i) There are many cases where claim construction and the determination of equivalent infringement are the main disputes. Since claim construction is related to the determination of the scope of protection of patent rights and the result of comparing infringing technologies, through the judgment in individual case, the IP Court conducts in-depth exploration of the identification criteria of functional features, the limitation of subject names on the protection scope of the claims, and the application of the dedication doctrine. As there are many cases involving the judgment of equivalent infringement, how to maintain the publicity function of patent claims while granting fair protection to patent holders becomes the main difficulty in hearing such cases.
(iii) Related cases with commercial rights protection account for a certain proportion. In such cases, the obligee carries out large-scale and centralized commercial rights protection across the country with the same patent. Most of the patents involved are utility model patents that have not been substantively examined, and most of the alleged infringers are small downstream vendors in the goods supply chain.
The administrative cases concerning patents heard by the IP Court have the following characteristics:
In 2019, the IP Court concluded a total of 1,174 cases of second instance. Among them, 731 cases were concluded with the decisions of the first instance being affirmed; 280 cases were concluded with the appeals being withdrawn, 71 cases were concluded through mediation, with the mediation and withdrawal rate of 29.9%; and 92 cases were concluded by either being sent back for retrial or reversal of decisions on appeal, with the send back and reversal rate of 7.8%. Of the 92 send back for retrial or reversal cases concluded by the IP Court, there were 66 civil substantive cases of second instance, 21 cases of second instance on challenge to jurisdiction, and 5 administrative cases of second instance.
1. Focus on the function of trial to try cases fairly
Annual Report of
① Statistical analysis of the source of cases
(i) The number is large. Based on the litigation strategy, the complexity of jurisdictional rules, and the existence of more jurisdictional connection points, the alleged infringer has more arguments to challenge the jurisdiction in IP cases.
Ⅱ. Deepen institutional reform, promote intelligent case handling, and further improve the quality and effectiveness of technology-related IP case trials
第二,推进各项专题调查研究。来自全国各地区、各技术领域的大量案件为调研工作提供了优质资源,法庭以审判团队为基础,根据审判工作需要与法官的研究兴趣,围绕专利法修改、反垄断、技术秘密、集成电路布图设计、5G技术、植物新品种等战略领域与重点问题成立调研小组,开展专题调研。已形成《关于药品专利链接制度的立法建议》《关于植物新品种权案件裁判文书分析情况的报告》《专利侵权案件审理周期及专利无效循环诉讼实证研究》等9项调研成果,并就专利法第四次修改向全国人大常委会法工委提交《关于改革和完善专利无效程序立法的建议》。法庭还与广州知识产权法院交流合作,就标准必要专利等问题开展调研,研究与行业发展相适应的审判规则。 第二,加强业务建设,提升队伍履职能力。根据知识产权领域思维活跃、知识更新快、国际化程度高等特点,法庭积极创造条件,针对性地加强知识产权业务培训与外语能力培训,提升队伍履职能力。一年中,举办两期全国审判实务培训班,深入讲解司法政策和裁判规则,促进全国条线工作统一思想、步调一致;开展多层次业务培训,搭建“新知大讲堂”“法庭讲坛”等高质量常态化学习平台,邀请全国知名专家学者到法庭授课,并向地方法院同步直播,提升审判队伍的业务素质;组建法庭外语工作组,开展线上线下日常外语培训,翻译域外裁判及前沿学术文章。法庭充分发挥全国审判业务专家的榜样作用,发挥以点带面的“领头羊”作用,努力成为全国法院技术类专业审判队伍的熔炉和学校。 第三,驳回复审案件中自然人作为申请人的案件较多。在审结的57件专利驳回复审案件中,自然人作为申请人的案件占比75%以上,绝大多数因不具备创造性、少数因不具备实用性或不符合授权主题而被驳回。因错误理解专利行政诉讼起诉期限的计算方式而导致起诉不予受理的10件案件中,申请人均为自然人。 ②Statistical analysis of the types of cases accepted
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