上一篇:3D打印步入新階段 上市公司試水產業化 下一篇:教育部关于落实保证中小学生每天体育活动时间的意见


Abstract: With accuracy poverty alleviation entering serious stage, Chinas poverty populations poverty removal is accelerated, as a result, relative static poverty alleviation management mode is difficult to meet the demand of current poverty quitting work. The field survey on Xujia Village of Hubei Province shows that the attitude of poor households and general households towards the dynamic management of poverty alleviation has similarity but also has difference, the poor households hope that dynamic management should be more overall but the general households hope that the pass in and out of poverty should be more smoothed. Presently both believe that the dynamic management of poverty alleviation and poverty quitting mechanism are not perfected, that the mechanism in and out of poverty is not flexible, that dynamic monitoring indicator is simple and so on. The poor households believe that the dynamic monitoring is not overall, which causes that their poverty can not get help in time. The general households believe that poverty quitting mechanism is not flexible, once becoming the poor households, the resources for poverty alleviation can be owned for a long time, new poor groups are difficult to get in. In order to neutralize social contradiction, boost the construction of allround wellbeing society, China should enhance the dynamic management, gradually construct the poverty quitting mechanism with standard and highefficiency, stick to positive encouragement, strengthen responsibilityinvestigation and supervision, and let poverty quitting be tested by society and by time.

贫困村徐家村位于湖北省北部,总户数560户,总人口2 396人。其中,普通农户408户、1 932人,人口占比80.6%;贫困户建档立卡152户、464人,人口占比19.4%。贫困户中开发扶贫对象74户、266人,助学扶智扶贫对象5户、22人,医疗救助扶贫对象37户、95人,危房改造7户、18人,低保五保扶贫对象29户、63人。根据最新数据,该村2015年退贫22户、72人,2016年退贫58户、172人。该村人口基数较大,贫困人口占全村人口近五分之一,且涉及多种致贫原因。该村居民平时主要以农业生产为主,由于离县城较近,部分青壮年劳动力除进行农业劳动以外,也会去邻近地区打零工,赚取兼职收入,大部分农户每年有较长时间居住在本村。鉴于以上特点,本研究选取该村作为田野调查点。


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