It would have been better to let things swelled up in 2008. Thoughit would be terrible, temporarily, but if we cleaned out the system, therewould be a new dawn. It’s what happened on the history. Many countries,including the US, have cleaned out the system. We had pain for a year or two,then we prosper. What the US government is doing is not good in the long run.
Rogers: The current oil price is not thelowest in history, but it is the lowest for a long time. From the rule of crudeoil prices, affected by various complex reasons, oil prices hit bottom; thenafter being recovered for a while, it will dip to a lower point; then it willgo up slowly and keep going like this. Whether in 2008 or now, this is therule.
Rogers:It’smainly terrible for oil companies and oil drilling companies, because obviouslythey are going to have a lot less money. It is good for American citizens,people who use oil for electricity, or cars, or air conditioning or whatever.It’s good for China. It’s good for Japan, Korea, and any oil consuming country.This is not good for oil companies or oil producing countries. But it is certainly good for everybody else.
Rogers:I can only read in English, so I read Financial Times and English newspapersfrom other countries. Now everything is on the internet, so I can read thingsconveniently from all over the world; I don’t read newspapers anymore. I readabout China, Korea and Russia on the internet; I can read about any country andany industry I interested in.
Rogers: The oil price war is certainlygood for countries that use a lot of oil, such as Germany and Japan. It is alsogood for many countries in the world, including South Korea, but definitely notgood for Saudi Arabia and Russia.
Weekly on Stocks: The global economy was hit hard by the outbreak,and you warned investors four or five years ago that “another global economiccrisis will be triggered in the next few years.” Is the current economic crisisas what you expected?
Rogers:We need to stop intervening the market and owing so much debt. Let the markettake its own course. Let the competent people fill where they may fill. Thenwe’ll start over. That’s how the mechanism is supposed to work. When somepeople get into trouble, other competent people will come to take over theassets from them, reorganizing the market and making it start over from a soundbase. It has always been so. But now, things are going on the other way allaround the world. With too much intervening, the assets are taken away from thecompetent people and left for the incompetent people; the competent people haveto cope with their own money.
Rogers:Yes, please be careful of poor investment decisions. We are going to have somedifficult times in the next two or three years, maybe even longer. So please bevery careful about your investments. Do not invest in anything unless you’vegot good knowledge about it. If you can’t find a good opportunity to makeinvestment, just wait; put your money in the bank, because it’s safer. To putyour money in the bank, you won’t lose money, while in the investment market,many people will lose a lot of money in the next few years.
Rogers:Thank you, thank all of you.
Rogers: What I said was, when we haveanother economic crisis, it is going to be the worst in my lifetime. The reasonwas, the economic crisis of 2008 was due to a high global debt. For what I cansee, the debt has been surging rather than reducing since then. So, if anothercrisis comes up, it will to be horrible. And it is.
Weekly on Stocks: In fact, theBrent crude oil futures contract in June is to be settled in the near future.Is there any chance that it will fall again or even go negative?
Rogers:It’s very simple. This is an aberration in the futures market. You can’t buyoil at this price. In the futures markets, you have to deliver the oil on acertain day. When someone pays you, you deliver the oil. But now, all theplaces for oil storage are full; no one wants to buy oil even at a very lowprice. Most participants in the futures market just buy and sell oil, but notuse it. So, when there’s a truckload of oil going to come all of a sudden, wegot to get rid of it. They had to dump it hurriedly. In the end, they paidsomebody else to take the oil away, because participants in Chicago and othermarkets were in no position to take the oil. As mentioned before, many of theoil storage tanks were already full. It can happen again. But it’s obviouslymuch less likely to happen.
Itry to teach my children that they should read from many sources. If you onlyspeak English, you can watch CGTN from China, BBC from England, RT from Russia,and KBS from Korea. On the internet, you can watch in English many sources ofinformation. I have taught my daughters that they should watch them all. Everyone of them thinks it’s correct. If you only watch CNN, you get information itdeems accurate, but this can’t be always true.
Rogers: Indeed, the disease has become aglobal pandemic. My life is also affected. I have to stay at home in Singapore.I can’t go to China or anywhere else. There are some Chinese stocks I’m veryinterested in, but at present I can’t go to check them. Maybe I’ll buy themlater.
Rogers:I’m very delighted to be here. I haven’t seen you for a long time, so I’mreally happy. In 2004, I participated in your first international MastersForum; I was much younger back then. That’s a wonderful experience, making meknow better about China.
Weekly on Stocks: So, will this global economic recession be assevere as the Great Depression in 1929?
You have to keep learning and becomeknowledgeable, because you’ll probably keep your assets in the crisis, or evenmake more money only if you know what you are doing. In the 1930s, many peoplemade a lot of money despite the Great Depression. So, we can make money in badtimes if we are knowledgeable and cautious enough. Just be careful.