上一篇:《幸福迷失传奇最新私服了吗》出新版 下一篇:德化:72家企业亮相线上广交会 体验营商“新渠道”

对话美国著名投资人吉姆新开迷失传奇私服·罗杰斯: 未来两三年许多人将损失惨重(7)


A large part of the USstock market is made up of oil companies and oil drilling companies. So thatpart of the American economy will suffer. Since it’s a large part, it will havean effect on the overall market. However, the factors that make the Americanstock market going down are not just oil, but also the outbreak of the COVID-19.

Weekly on Stocks: What is your advice to professional investors inChina who want to continue exploration in the general situation and valueinvestment in terms of learning and improvement?



Weekly on Stocks: In youropinion, how will the collapse of crude oil futures affect the U.S. equity andbond markets?

Ofcourse, we haven’t gone that far by now.

Weekly on Stocks: We are grateful for the guidance and support youhave given us over the past 1decade as our honorary advisor at Weekly onStocks.

Rogers: Thank you, I would liketo see you in person when I’m in China again.


Rogers:Yes, the bull market is drawing to aclose, or maybe it’s already ended. Since the US government and other nationalgovernments have been spending and printing huge amount of money, we’re havinga rally in shares on the stock market. This situation may go on for a while,because so much money has been pumped into the market. But this will be thelast rally before the emerging storm.


Weekly on Stocks: Thanks againMr. Rogers for accepting the interview with Weekly on Stocks. So much for myquestions. I hope that I can still have the opportunity to have face-to-faceinterview with you like this. And good health to you!

Panics and pandemics are not going to lastforever.Closures are not going to lastforever. So, we are going to drive again, we are going to take airplanes again.If you step in, I might do it. I’m not doing it today because I’m doing otherthings. But If I were not so lazy, I probably should be stepping in or figuringabout when and how to step in and buy, making investments in this sector. Because there is apanic and whenever you buy during a panic, you can always do well.


Weekly on Stocks: Can we conclude that the decade-long bull marketin U.S. stocks is over?



Weekly on Stocks: The mistakesyou mentioned should include the continuous “liquidity injections” by centralbanks in various countries, right?

Rogers:I don't know. Maybe your show can tell me the answer (Laugh). The market iscertainly better prepared now. “Negative price” came as a big surprise toeveryone. No one wants it, for it never happened before. But now exchanges,including those who might want to buy oil at low prices, have got ready. Ifthey see someone has to dump the oil, someone may buy it, and some people douse oil still. So, we’ll see. It’s good for you (reporters), because you havesomething to report.

Weekly on Stocks: Would theconsequences be better or worse if let the market recover through aself-correcting mechanism instead of banknote printing?





Weekly on Stocks: You're afrugal person, so as your great friend John Templeton, a famous investmentmaster famous for frugalness. Do you think thrift is a necessary quality forsuccessful investors?




Weekly on Stocks: According to U.S. government data, U.S. crude oilreserves continued to buy oil in March as the overall market began to fall.What do you think of the actions taken by U.S. crude oil reserves?

Rogers: Trump is doing that because hewants to get votes. As everyone knows, he’s losing votes in the oil producingareas. Although, it’s something that all countries should be doing. Oil hascollapsed. Oil prices have fell down. If China, Germany or any other countryhave not enough reserves of oil for emergencies, they should be stepping in andbuying oil now and putting it in their own storage tanks.

Rogers:Itwill be better in the long run. The US government props the market up to avoida breakdown; but with the accumulating debt, the breakdown is unavoidable, andit’ll be much more worsened. In 2008, the market didn’t collapse, and now wehave an all-time high debt. Nobody paid the price in 2008 and 2009, so when wehave the next problem, it’s going to be more serious.

And, one more thing. Everybodyshould watch Weekly on Stocks.(Laugh)

So,the lesson from this story is that you should go and start a company of storagetanks right away. You can rent out the tanks and make a lot of money (Laugh).



我持有不少美元和人民币现金 ,刚买入了黄金和白银,农产品商品的机会也不错。

I hate trade wars. I'm an American, soI'd hate to see the current situation. Waging a trade war is a completelyirrational act. It will hurt both countries. I wish the US government would bemore sensible. So far, China has been more restrained and cautious.


Weekly on Stocks: Someprofessional investors are beginning to worry about the potential risks ofrenewed escalation of trade frictions between the US and China following theepidemic, do you have similar concerns?


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Thus,we need to get information from more sources. We can watch five or six TVnetworks from different countries, then we figure out what is really happeningby ourselves. It’s not easy. I have been doing this for 40 or 50 years. Now I’mtrying to teach my children to do the same. Media convey the information theydeem right. They all think they are right, but they can’t all be right. Weshould figure out what’s right by thinking independently.

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