Rogers:No, I don’t think that’s over-optimistic. In my opinion, isolation is amistake. We’ve had panics and epidemics before. You know, we had SARS. We hadthe H1N1 avian influenza in 2009. When we had the H1N1, the U.S. economy wasnot locked down. There is no denying that viruses do have an impact on people’shealth, but history shows that people have learnt to adapt. Singapore wascompletely isolated, but it got worse because everyone has packed in together.So, in my opinion, isolation is not a good thing.Andonce the economy reopened, the demand for everything would rise. We see, forexample, that Austria is lifting the lockdown, but Sweden never conducts the “lockdown”of the country and its cities. So, it doesn’t have to be a lockdown. There areother solutions as well.
Rogers:It will last long. Usually we need a year or a year and a half to tide over thestorm. We’ll suffer then start over. But remember, we are having an all-timehigh debt, so this time, it’s going to take long to recover. It’ll be very hardfor us.
Rogers:No, this crisis is going to be worsethan that of 2008 before it’s over. It has not been yet, but it will be. Afterall, it’s only been six weeks. Now the turbulence of the market is onlytemporarily lessened.
Rogers:Of course, this means that some oil companies and oil drilling companies aregoing to go bankrupt. It’s a very bad situation for the hydraulic fracturing(shale oil) industry, and some of the oil companies are heavily indebted andthey are going to have a hard time. As I said, in the countries like SaudiArabia, Kuwait, Sudan which depend largely on oil or the oil price, you aregoing to see more problems, such as bankruptcies. In the shipping industry, alarge Singaporean company has gone bankrupt because it did not expect the oilprice to fall. Thus, it’s having ramifications in the economy, and that willalso have a reflection in the stock market. But remember, there are some peoplewho love to see this. If you are Korean, you would think this is wonderful. Ifyou are Chinese, you will also think this is wonderful. It is also great forSingaporeans, except for the company that went bankrupt.
Rogers:As for me, I’ll try to get as many perspectives as I can. I love CGTN, aChinese English language network, but I know their information can’t beaccurate all the time. Thus, I will watch others to get more comprehensiveinformation and more sweeping view from other nations. Even then, I makemistakes. But it’s crucial to try to get as many perspectives as I can. I knowinformation on the network in China is not as open as in some other nations;nonetheless, I would urge all investors to get as many sources of informationand perspectives as they can. If you only watch CNN in America, you would bebiased; if you only watch RT in Russia, or any other media of a nation, youwould be biased, too. However, if you have enough sources of information, youmay get a better judgement on what’s really going on.
Rogers: Unfortunately, there have indeedbeen such moments in history. Sometimes countries become more open andinternational, sometimes they become more closed. I think after decades-longopenness, the world now has a tendency to be closed, which is not a good trend.Such state existed during the Great Depression of the 1930s, which led to war,among many other problems. There is also a trend towards this now. I hope itwon’t last long. Many US companies are moving back to the US, but the cost ofstarting a business in the US is quite expensive and the quality of the productmay not be as good. That may be the case with the current state of affairs, andit's bad, both for my children and for the world.
Weekly on Stocks: As another “blackswan” in this market correction, the “oil price war” between countries such asSaudi Arabia and Russia is showing signs of mitigation. Would this help toaccelerate the market out of the bear market atmosphere?
Weekly on Stocks: Such extremesituation like “negative price” has occurred to crude oil futures, can weassume that the outlook for global markets has become more uncertain?
Weekly on Stocks: To be “greedy”in a time of fearful, as Warren Buffett said.
Weekly on Stocks: A swift endto “isolation” around the world could accelerate a recovery in oil marketprices, according to The Guardian. Is that over-optimistic?
Weekly on Stocks: In youropinion, is it the good timing to buy in crude oil futures? If you were to buy,when would you choose to buy it?
Rogers:Now the oil has crashed and the market is in chaos. Usually, in any market inany country, when such thing occurs, if you know what you are doing and you buyin, you might go through a turbulent period for a while, but eventually youwill be fine.