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对话美国著名投资人吉姆新开迷失传奇私服·罗杰斯: 未来两三年许多人将损失惨重


Rogers: The measures and actions of theUS are extremely poor and irrational. Probably Mr. Trump would think trade warsare good for the US, but trade wars have never been good for anyone and anycountry. Mr. Trump may not know this, and if he does, he is being arrogant.

Weekly on Stocks: In youropinion, what are the factors or measures that will prompt it to end as earlyas possible?

Inthe crisis of 2008, China saved a lot of money for the rainy day. When it startedto rain,China saved itself and helped the whole world by those money.However,China is also in debt now. All the countries are drowning in debt, so thecrisis will be very hard to solve.



Weekly on Stocks: First ofall, I would like to discuss with you about the global pandemic and the major correctionof global market. Has the outbreak of COVID-19 also affected your life?



Weekly on Stocks: The crudeoil price has dipped to $18/bbl. this year. What do you think of thedevelopment trend of crude oil price in the future?







Weekly on Stocks: Hi Mr. Rogers! It is a great honor to have youwith us for an exclusive in-depth interview on “Face to Face”.

The market conditions are alreadyterrible now, and a trade war would make it even worse. As I mentioned before,if politicians started making mistakes consecutively, the economic situationswould be getting even worse! And it’s highly possible that their mistakes wouldcontinue. If Mr. Trump does start atrade war, later in the year or next year, the market conditions would be evenworse than my expectation. Just like what I said, this crisis would be theworst bear market of my life. Trade wars are absolutely no good for anyone.


Rogers:Thrift is usually benefit success than anything. One of the first things Ibought for my daughters were piggy banks. I told them that money is to be putinto the piggy bank. I want to teach them that money is to be saved andinvested money is not used to be spent. After you save your money, if you wantto spend the money later, you can. So far, when my daughter get money, theyoften put it in their piggy banks. After the piggy bank is full, we go to thebig bank to put the money in the big bank. I try to teach my children to saveand to be thrifty. You can ask them after 20 or 30 years if I did it right. Iknow many people spend more money than they have, and many lives and marriagesget messed up because they have money problems. Money is to be saved, not to bespent until you have enough, if you ask me. That’s my way, you do it your way.


Rogers:I doubt it will be as severe as the Great Depression, but it could be. First,the world is drowning in debt. Second, we had the Great Depression becausepoliticians made mistakes, and they may make mistakes again. As I can see,they’re beginning to make mistakes. Governments of the US and Singapore aremaking mistakes; other countries may follow them. As for China, it’s marketshould be more open. If politicians don’t make wise decisions, then we’ll havea crisis worse than the Great Depression.





Weekly on Stocks: When do youexpect the real end of this correction?


独家对话美国著名投资人吉姆·罗杰斯: 未来两三年许多人将损失惨重

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