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Around this time, Paul Clarke, a software consultant with experience running tech startups, received a call from an Ocado recruiter. “I said, ‘Look, I’m really sorry, but I don’t want to work in retail,’” recalls Clarke, a lanky 60-year-old with the professorial demeanor of the Oxford PhD he once considered becoming. But when he toured Ocado’s warehouse, Clarke was impressed by its scale and complexity. Hatfield was a giant automation puzzle—exactly the sort of engineering problem he enjoyed cracking. “I fell in love,” he says.


Investors seem confident that Ocado can capitalize on the current moment; its shares have risen 28% since Feb. 28, even as global markets plummeted. The future, however, looks murkier. Ocado’s licensing deals require it to spend heavily upfront to build dozens of CFCs. Those obligations have left some analysts wondering if the company, which currently carries more than $750 million in debt, has taken on too much risk. And, even once the pandemic passes, an existential question looms: whether any grocer, even with Ocado’s robotic helping hand, can withstand the onslaught of the Everything Store and the Behemoth of Bentonville.


大概这段时间里,管理过科技初创企业的软件顾问保罗·克拉克接到了Ocado招聘人员的电话。“当时我说:‘很抱歉,但我不想做零售业。’” 60岁左右,身材瘦长的克拉克回忆说,虽然没去牛津大学读成博士,但一身学者风范。后来克拉克参观了Ocado的仓库,对其规模和复杂性印象尤为深刻。哈特菲尔德是自动化方面的巨大难题,正是他喜欢解决的工程问题。“我立刻爱上了。”他说。

Constant spending on improvements, meanwhile, was eating up cash. By 2007, Ocado’s revenues were $338 million, and galloping ahead at more than 20% annually. But the company was also running annual operating losses of more than $45 million—and spending tens of millions more to improve its CFC and purchase delivery trucks. It had more than $130 million of debt. At one point, John Lewis wrote its investment in the young online grocer down to zero.

机器人并不是克拉克唯一关心的事。在“垂直”农业领域也就是可持续农业的室内试验方面,Ocado进行了多项投资。公司收购了欧洲最大垂直农业公司Jones Foods的多数股权,投资成立了名叫Infinite Acres的合资企业,,以及一家名为80 Acres Urban Agriculture的美国初创企业,还有荷兰Priva Holdings公司。另一项投资是英国初创企业Karakuri,该公司创建了自动厨房,可准备好餐厅级别饭菜然后送货。克拉克说,Ocado设想是构建“整合食品机器”。他解释说,通过垂直耕作、准备食品和同一设施内配送,“可实现从农场到餐桌两个小时或更短的时间内完成。”



The robots, designed by Ocado in conjunction with U.K. robotics company Tharsus, are controlled by an internal 4G network with more base stations packed into less space than pretty much anywhere else on the planet. The network enables each robot to communicate with the software controlling it 10 times per second. At Erith, the hive generates four terabytes of data every day, all of which is fed back into a digital twin to refine the system.


Clarke signed on for a one-year gig, tasked with improving the system that controlled the flow of goods along Hatfield’s fast--moving conveyor belts. Ocado’s operation was so complex, Clarke says, that the only way to reengineer it was to build a series of digital “twins”—in essence, real-time software simulations of the operation. This allowed Clarke and his team to experiment with improved configurations before implementing them in the real warehouse, avoiding costly trial and error. Before long, Steiner says, the twins helped wring new efficiencies from equipment—making five plus five equal 12.






The slew of licensing deals pushed many investors to abandon their skepticism: It’s been a long time since Ocado was a heavily shorted stock. “I used to be a big bear, but I became a big bull after the Kroger deal,” says Bruno Monteyne, an analyst who covers European retailers for the equity research firm Bernstein Research. Still, those deals aren’t adding much to the bottom line—because Ocado receives money only after the automated CFCs are built.

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