¡¡¡¡Weekly on Stocks: On Monday £¨April 20£©£¬ NYMEX crude futures for May2005 closed at -$37.63 a barrel£¬ the first time since trading began in 1983 that thetransaction has turned negative. What do you think causes the extreme situationof ¡°negative price¡±£¿
¡¡¡¡Panics and pandemics are not going to lastforever.Closures are not going to lastforever. So£¬ we are going to drive again£¬ we are going to take airplanes again.If you step in£¬ I might do it. I¡¯m not doing it today because I¡¯m doing otherthings. But If I were not so lazy£¬ I probably should be stepping in or figuringabout when and how to step in and buy£¬ making investments in this sector. Because there is apanic and whenever you buy during a panic£¬ you can always do well.
¡¡¡¡Rogers: The measures and actions of theUS are extremely poor and irrational. Probably Mr. Trump would think trade warsare good for the US£¬ but trade wars have never been good for anyone and anycountry. Mr. Trump may not know this£¬ and if he does£¬ he is being arrogant.
¡¡¡¡Weekly on Stocks: Someprofessional investors are beginning to worry about the potential risks ofrenewed escalation of trade frictions between the US and China following theepidemic£¬ do you have similar concerns£¿
¡¡¡¡Rogers: Trump is doing that because hewants to get votes. As everyone knows£¬ he¡¯s losing votes in the oil producingareas. Although£¬ it¡¯s something that all countries should be doing. Oil hascollapsed. Oil prices have fell down. If China£¬ Germany or any other countryhave not enough reserves of oil for emergencies£¬ they should be stepping in andbuying oil now and putting it in their own storage tanks.
¡¡¡¡Rogers:We need to stop intervening the market and owing so much debt. Let the markettake its own course. Let the competent people fill where they may fill. Thenwe¡¯ll start over. That¡¯s how the mechanism is supposed to work. When somepeople get into trouble£¬ other competent people will come to take over theassets from them£¬ reorganizing the market and making it start over from a soundbase. It has always been so. But now£¬ things are going on the other way allaround the world. With too much intervening£¬ the assets are taken away from thecompetent people and left for the incompetent people£» the competent people haveto cope with their own money.
¡¡¡¡It¡¯sabsurd. We can¡¯t clean out the system by this way. What we need is a ¡°forestfire¡±. A forest fire is horrible if you are in it. But it cleans out badwood and underbrush£¬ then the forest can grow even better afterwards. That iswhat recessions do through history all over the world. However£¬ theUS and the West don¡¯t want to face a breakdown£¬ so the problem is getting worseand worse.
¡¡¡¡Weekly on Stocks: So£¬ will this global economic recession be assevere as the Great Depression in 1929£¿
¡¡¡¡Rogers: Thank you£¬ I would liketo see you in person when I¡¯m in China again.
¡¡¡¡Weekly on Stocks: The crudeoil price has dipped to $18/bbl. this year. What do you think of thedevelopment trend of crude oil price in the future£¿
¡¡¡¡Rogers:Now the oil has crashed and the market is in chaos. Usually£¬ in any market inany country£¬ when such thing occurs£¬ if you know what you are doing and you buyin£¬ you might go through a turbulent period for a while£¬ but eventually youwill be fine.
¡¡¡¡Weekly on Stocks: Such extremesituation like ¡°negative price¡± has occurred to crude oil futures£¬ can weassume that the outlook for global markets has become more uncertain£¿
¡¡¡¡Weekly on Stocks: In youropinion£¬ what are the factors or measures that will prompt it to end as earlyas possible£¿