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  Rogers:It’smainly terrible for oil companies and oil drilling companies, because obviouslythey are going to have a lot less money. It is good for American citizens,people who use oil for electricity, or cars, or air conditioning or whatever.It’s good for China. It’s good for Japan, Korea, and any oil consuming country.This is not good for oil companies or oil producing countries. But it is certainly good for everybody else.

  Weekly on Stocks: The mistakesyou mentioned should include the continuous “liquidity injections” by centralbanks in various countries, right?


  Weekly on Stocks: As another “blackswan” in this market correction, the “oil price war” between countries such asSaudi Arabia and Russia is showing signs of mitigation. Would this help toaccelerate the market out of the bear market atmosphere?


  Weekly on Stocks: Thanks againMr. Rogers for accepting the interview with Weekly on Stocks. So much for myquestions. I hope that I can still have the opportunity to have face-to-faceinterview with you like this. And good health to you!



  Rogers:It’s very simple. This is an aberration in the futures market. You can’t buyoil at this price. In the futures markets, you have to deliver the oil on acertain day. When someone pays you, you deliver the oil. But now, all theplaces for oil storage are full; no one wants to buy oil even at a very lowprice. Most participants in the futures market just buy and sell oil, but notuse it. So, when there’s a truckload of oil going to come all of a sudden, wegot to get rid of it. They had to dump it hurriedly. In the end, they paidsomebody else to take the oil away, because participants in Chicago and othermarkets were in no position to take the oil. As mentioned before, many of theoil storage tanks were already full. It can happen again. But it’s obviouslymuch less likely to happen.

  Rogers:Of course, this means that some oil companies and oil drilling companies aregoing to go bankrupt. It’s a very bad situation for the hydraulic fracturing(shale oil) industry, and some of the oil companies are heavily indebted andthey are going to have a hard time. As I said, in the countries like SaudiArabia, Kuwait, Sudan which depend largely on oil or the oil price, you aregoing to see more problems, such as bankruptcies. In the shipping industry, alarge Singaporean company has gone bankrupt because it did not expect the oilprice to fall. Thus, it’s having ramifications in the economy, and that willalso have a reflection in the stock market. But remember, there are some peoplewho love to see this. If you are Korean, you would think this is wonderful. Ifyou are Chinese, you will also think this is wonderful. It is also great forSingaporeans, except for the company that went bankrupt.





  Weekly on Stocks: Hi Mr. Rogers! It is a great honor to have youwith us for an exclusive in-depth interview on “Face to Face”.

  Rogers:It will last long. Usually we need a year or a year and a half to tide over thestorm. We’ll suffer then start over. But remember, we are having an all-timehigh debt, so this time, it’s going to take long to recover. It’ll be very hardfor us.


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